As I was perusing through Pinterest one fine day, I came upon a post that caught my eye. It was a little tree with pretty paper medallions all over it and appealed to my love of vintage and shabby. ( I also work a lot with paper these days). I clicked on the link and it took me to an Etsy shop. Of course I wanted to read a little about the designer, Shirley Hudson, and I found that her story was almost identical to my own! As I read on, I saw that her birthday was also the same as mine! Coincidence? Maaaayyybee......but it was one of those moments that we have every so often in life and made me want to get acquainted with this person!
One more crazy moment for me, was when I was cleaning out my studio and I ran across a promo paper about the size of a ruler. It looked new to me and when I read the name on it.....it was Shirley Hudson! I could not for the life of me remember where I got it or how I came to have it as she lives in a different
state. The Twilight Zone song was playing in my head.......lol. Come to find out, I had picked it up at the Quilt Market in Portland, OR. Seems kind of crazy considering it was long after the quilt market that I found her on Pinterest. If you have had this sort of thing happen, you understand how it makes one wonder about the chain of events and if there might be a purpose for the connections!

Shirley's Etsy Shop for this design....
I contacted her, and since then, we keep up with each other on Facebook and e-mail, but we have yet to meet in person. I am sure that will happen one day!
I want to show off a few other of her talents. She has a plethora of stitching patterns in her Etsy Shops.
The quilted design below is another of my favorites. I love the cheerful colors.

To find this pattern here's the link!

To find this pattern, here's the link!
Her patterns are easy to create and geared towards the modern, busy woman!
The downloadable PDF'S of her art appeal to a wide variety of tastes, and are perfect for your own home decor or for special gifts.
I have more to tell you about Shirley and I will share some more about how she started her business, why she chose to do what she does, and a little about her family which was a huge part of the reason she does what she does today! This was the first part of her story that sounded just like mine!
Click on one of the links to visit Shirley's Etsy Shop. Plan on staying for a while because there is a huge amount of eye candy to look at, and there is a good chance you will find something you can't live without.
Until next time, enjoy this day and celebrate the moments.
Live Life with a Flourish!
P.S. If you notice that some of the indenting and paragraphs are a little hinky on the blog today....please excuse it, because I do not know why I am not able to fix it! :-)
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